0130 years of global security experience provided in 45 Countries.
0299% of former clients stated they would recommend me.
03Over 325 written client recommendations on my LinkedIn profile.
04Provided my security & close protection consultancy & training services for Royalty, Presidential, Diplomatic, Dignitary, Judiciary, Politicians, TV Presenters, Celebrities & Corporate clients.
05Provided my security services for over 120 different business sector clients.
06I personally manage over 5,000 global security & law enforcement specialists.
07A chief prosecution security expert witness in the world’s first ever post Sept’ 11th Al Qaeda terrorist trial.
08A Doctorate in Security Management.
09Former CEO & & Special Forces training Instructor of Ground Zero USA.
10Personally trained thousands of global military, police, special forces, Intelligence & security agency personnel world-wide.
11Licenced & certified Close Protection team commander.
12Qualified 20 year corporate-business management consultant.
13Global TV & media recognised security & close protection expert.
14Featured in hundreds of TV, Radio & Press global publications as a security & close protection expert consultant.
15Media & PR savvy, adept at helping clients deal with TV & Media relating to critical and/or sensitive incidents.
16I’m the world’s most highly connected security expert from LinkedIn’s 730+ million business members.
17Former close protection team leader for Queen Elizabeth’s anniversary gala.
18Published 2 security /close protection books.
195 major TV documentaries have been filmed & broadcast about me training special forces & close protection officers.
2030-year verifiable global security & close protection career history.